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25 gennaio 2013 di Houston

Due nuovi temi per WordPress!
My life, un tema dai colori tenui e dal sapore un po’ vintage, con un layout tipico di un diario personale o di un blog.
L’altro è Silesia, layout pulito ed elegante; interessante la funzione che espande la bassa dei widget a sinistra, è possibile utilizzarla per un’ulteriore livello di navigazione oppure con qualsiasi widget che si ritiene opportuno!
I temi possono essere scaricati dal theme showcase di WordPress, oppure per chi usa, basta selezionarli dalla scheda ASPETTO -> TEMI. News

Today, I’m excited to announce the two latest additions to our ever-growing collection of free themes.

My Life is a cool, serene blogging theme by Justin Tadlock. With subtle colors, readable typography, and a vintage feel, it offers a classic look for your personal journal or blog.

My Life can be used as a one-column tumblelog, or it supports up to two widget areas for a two- or three-column layout with multiple sidebar positions. It also includes up to three custom menus and support for several post formats, making the theme incredibly flexible and versatile.

Read more about My Life on the Theme Showcase, or activate it on your site by going to Appearance -> Themes.

Silesia is a clean and elegant blogging theme with a twist: it features an expanding left sidebar for an additional navigation or other Widgets you find useful!

Designed by NattyWP, Silesia comes with…

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